Video coming soon… :)

I have spent the last 19 years since my cancer diagnosis, finding a way to merge my life’s experiences and a career of some sort into a singular project. This is the result:

Flnt is a movement where every bike-ridden or human-powered mile equates to financially supporting a cancer or heart patient.

Way before my health failed me, and I was a feisty little runt, my dad once told me I had a fire inside of me. In my mind that translated to: never give up.

On the day of being diagnosed with cancer, my dad looked at me with tears in his eyes and said,

“Don’t you ever let that fire inside you go out”.

That’s when Flnt was born.

During my cancer diagnosis at eighteen, my heart attack at thirty-two, and a heart transplant at thirty-three, life became impossibly expensive.

My mom quit her job to be my full-time caregiver during my two-and-a-half years of chemotherapy and cancer procedures. 

My dad worked a second full-time job to cover my mom’s lost income. 

My younger brother being my caregiver, helped change my LVAD (Left Ventricle Assist Device) for six months after a golf ball-sized blood clot (from those two and a half years of chemotherapy) stopped my life and career path.

Then, six months later, I had a second open heart surgery to receive a heart transplant.

I’ll say staying alive hasn’t been cheap…..

However, there are millions of people like myself, who are eighteen to thirty-two years old, who have their own incredibly inspiring stories. Unfortunately and fortunately, some have luck and support in areas that others do not. Some patients cannot afford heart transplants or necessary cancer treatments and procedures.

Wages and opportunities lost from being permanently disabled as a heart transplant recipient or cancer survivor, are impossible to fairly and accurately estimate.

How will they afford their life expenses because they get fired or their job doesn’t have a remote option or flexibility, to align with as a permanently immunocompromised citizen in a world where Coronavirus and other deadly infections exist?

Not to worry about how their bills are going to be paid, how they’re going to continue living their life.

I want to help them. I know what I feels like to be in that position.

I want to do something about it. 

These patients get to focus solely on their treatments and their recovery. 

From each item sold on my website, Flnt will donate a portion of the sales to random, active GoFund Me campaigns for cancer and heart patients from 18 - 32

#nevergiveup #myflnt #flntride #flnt 

Click on the images below to support FLNT: